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   Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen


1. H. Preuß, H. Stoll, U. Wedig und T. Krüger, Combination of Pseudopotentials and Density Functionals, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 19, 113 (1981)

2. H. Stoll, J. Flad, E. Golka und T. Krüger, A Comparative Study of Group Ia and IIa Homonuclear Clusters, Surface Science 106, 251 (1981)

3. R. Frey und T. Krüger, Zur Diffusion und Wechselwirkung von Wasserstoff in Spannstählen unterschiedlicher Wasserstoffanfälligkeit - Zusammenfassung experimenteller Werte und quantenchemischer Erkenntnisse, Werkstoffe und Korrosion 34, 179 (1983)

4. R. Frey, T. Krüger und J. Flad, Zur chemisorptiven Wechselwirkung von Wasserstoff mit den Stahlbestandteilen Kohlenstoff und Eisen, Werkstoffe und Korrosion 34, 102 (1983)

5. T. Krüger und H. Preuß, Investigation of some Sulphur Halides - an Application of the
Pseudopotential Method
, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 38a, 463 (1983)

6. T. Krüger und K. Jug, Generalized Potential Surfaces under Inclusion of Nuclear Motion,
Journal of Computational Chemistry 8, 350 (1987)

7. K. Jug und T. Krüger, Study of Generalized Potential Surfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics
87, 5895 (1987)

8. T. Krüger, J. Eickmans und D. Holtkamp, On the Mechanism of Development Inhibition,
Journal of Imaging Science 35, 59 (1991)

9. T. Krüger, Towards a Philosophy of Objects, in: A. Garuccio und A. van der Merwe, Hrsg.,
Waves and Particles in Light and Matter, Plenum Press, London, 1994

10. T. Krüger, Molecules - Classical Objects in a Quantum Theory, Physics Essays 10, 497

11. T. Krüger, EPR Correlations in the Molecular Domain, International Journal of Quantum
Chemistry 64, 679 (1997)

12. T. Krüger, Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Problem,
Foundations of Physics 30, 1869 (2000)

13. T. Krüger und A. F. Sax, Distorted Silicon Hydrides - a Comparative Study with Various
Density Functionals
, Journal of Computational Chemistry 22, 151 (2001)

14. T. Krüger, Proposal of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment with Molecules, European
Physical Journal D 14, 299 (2001)

15. T. Krüger und A. F. Sax, Microstructure of Local Defects in Amorphous Si:H - a Quantum-
Chemical Study
, Physical Review B 64, 195201 (2001)

16. T. Krüger, When is a Statistical Operator Separable? - A Comparison of Different Definitions,
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 56a, 849 (2001)

17. T. Krüger und A. F. Sax, Quadruplevoids in Amorphous Si:H, Physica B 308-310, 155 (2001)

18. T. Krüger und A. F. Sax, Oligovalent Link Atoms in Embedding Calculations, Journal of Computational Chemistry 23, 371 (2002)

19. A. F. Sax und T. Krüger, Methodological problems in the calculations on amorphous hydrogenated
, a-Si:H, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2331, 950 (2002)

20. T. Krüger, An ab initio study of the silicon-oxygen-sulfur oligomers (SiOS)n (n 6), Journal
of Physical Chemistry A 107, 6259 (2003)

21. T. Krüger, An Attempt to Close the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Debate, Canadian Journal of
Physics 82, 53 (2004)

22. T. Krüger und A. F. Sax, Electron trapping by excited microvoids (ETEM) - an explanation
of the Staebler-Wronski effect
, Physica B 353, 263 (2004)

23. T. Krüger, Entanglement and phase, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 114, 110 (2005)

24. T. Krüger, M. Amkreutz, P. Schiffels, B. Schneider, O.-D. Hennemann und T. Frauenheim,
A theoretical study of the interaction between selected adhesives and oxide surfaces, Journal
of Physical Chemistry B 109, 5060 (2005)

25. T. Krüger, M. Elstner, P. Schiffels und T. Frauenheim, Validation of the DFTB method for
the calculation of reaction energies and other data
, Journal of Chemical Physics 122, 114110

26. P. Schiffels, M. Amkreutz, A. T. Blumenau, T. Krüger, B. Schneider, T. Frauenheim und
O.-D. Hennemann, Modeling Fundamental Aspects of the Surface Chemistry of Oxides and
their Interactions with Coupling Agents
, in: W. Possart, Hrsg., Adhesion - Current Research
and Applications
, Wiley-VCh, Weinheim, 2005

27. T. Krüger, Periodane – an unexpectedly stable molecule of unique composition, International
Journal of Quantum Chemistry 106, 1865 (2006)

28. T. Krüger, On the origin of the Staebler-Wronski effect, Journal of Applied Physics 99, 063509 (2006)

29. S. Blankenburg, S. Wippermann und T. Krüger, Ensemble teleportation under suboptimal
, Physica Scripta 74, 190 (2006)

30. T. Krüger, Ensemble teleportation, Turkish Journal of Physics 30, 137 (2006)

31. T. Krüger, Does the wavefunction of the universe exist?, Physics Essays 19, 29 (2006)

32. T. Kessemeier und T. Krüger, Entanglement, locality, and separability – a treatise on different viewpoints, International Journal of Quantum Information 5, 157 (2007)

33. T. Krüger, A simple relation between non-locality and a corrected entropy, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 48,1076 (2009)